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TJAY Soccer

Risk Management Policies

Thomas Johnson Area Youth (“TJAY”) Soccer Club does not take the responsibility of ensuring your child’s safety lightly and we want you be familiar with our guidelines and policies.  These policies are designed to protect your child. Your support of the policies is not only appreciated, but necessary to ensure that we keep kids safe.

The safety of all participants in our practices and games is a paramount concern for TJAY Soccer.  In August of 1994, US Youth Soccer (the national governing body for youth soccer in this country) approved the KidSafe Risk Management Program.   TJAY Soccer supports the intent of this program.  TJAY Soccer will not knowingly allow any person convicted of a crime of violence, physical abuse, sale of illegal substances, or any other offense that would indicate a pattern of behavior that would have a detrimental effect on children to be placed in a position that would involve direct contact with children.

In that regard, TJAY Soccer requires background checks every five years for every volunteer coach, assistant coach and board member. We know paperwork can be overwhelming between registration and play, but these volunteer disclosure forms are necessary to ensure that our players are as safe as possible.   Background checks alone are never enough.  As a member of TJAY Soccer, we follow the KIDSAFE policies.  

We urge all of our families to review these policies, and where appropriate, discuss them with your children. Take your time reviewing all of the guidelines outlined here on our website.

Don’t let them overwhelm you.

Give your kids a hug, be safe on the fields, and enjoy the game.


At the TJAY Soccer Club we strive to provide an environment that is fun, developmentally appropriate and will help your child be the best that they can be.  But no item is of greater concern than the safety of every player involved with our club. To that end, I want to reiterate some of our key safety policies as we begin our season.

These policies are designed to protect your child. Your support of the policies is not only appreciated, but necessary to ensure that we keep kids safe.

1. Pick Up Policy

A coach is to stay at the field until the last player has been picked up.  This policy applies to players from age 4 through age 18, and is designed to ensure your child’s safety.

We ask that all parents work with us to ensure your child’s safety by dropping off and picking up your child on time.

While we understand that many parents have hectic schedules and getting to and from practices can present challenges, it is important to note that we rely on many volunteer coaches who similarly have demanding schedules and often need to leave immediately following your child’s practice.

2. Stranger Danger

It is unfortunate, but on occasion youth sports organizations have had children approached by unknown adults at both practice and game facilities. Should such an occasion occur, please err on the side of caution and report any such incidents or suspicious behavior to your coach, to us here at the club and to the police.

If a player is approached by a stranger they should report it to a coach immediately.  If you see a suspicious person please report it to the coach and to TJAY Soccer Club staff immediately.

Players are expected to be on time for their session. Parents are expected to pick up their child on time.

If for some reason you are late or your player cannot find you following the session, the player should be instructed to tell a coach on the fields.

Please speak with your child about these procedures and tell them not to get in a car or to leave the field area with another adult without your permission.

3. Weather

Weather may cause cancellation of practice.  Cancellations will be posted on our website, Individual coaches may also determine that weather conditions are not appropriate for practices and may cancel practice if they feel the weather is a safety risk.  You will be contacted directly by your coach if that should occur.

Remember that if there is lightening seen or thunder heard on the field, a coach must stop practice and find shelter for 30 minutes from the last strike or thunder clap.  Should the coach see another lightning strike or hear another thunder clap during those 30 minutes, the "sit out" time starts over.  Therefore, if there is thunderstorms in area or forecasted, it is recommended that all parents remain at the fields since team activities (games and/or practices) will likely be canceled early.  Should you have any questions about this, please contact the TJAY Soccer Club personnel or your coach.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to ensure the safety of all TJAY Soccer Club players.

Contact Us

TJAY Soccer

P.O. Box 1591 
Frederick, Maryland 21702

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 301-473-0998
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